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RE: tunneling [Was: Agenda for Vienna]

|    > |    I don't think we can make informed decisions about the
|    > |    architectural
|    > |    approach unless we know how well each approach is going to
|    > |    work out. That's why I keep going into detail.
|    > This is a common trap.
|    So then there must be a reason why it's hard to avoid it.  :-)

Good engineers are detail oriented.  Even when they shouldn't be.

|    Didn't we kinda sorta agree that loc/id is our collective favorite 
|    architecture and that the rest is either flawed, should be 
|    worked on 
|    elsewhere or no interest in working on it as a group?

I think that you and I agreed that.  However, if we are to truly build
WG consensus on this issue, it's only fair that we allow supporters
of alternatives to speak their piece.  I'm hoping that if there are
any such folks, they will speak up, so that we are not accused later
of shouting them down.

|    Even though we get a bit sidetracked from time to time, I 
|    think we're 
|    having a very useful discussion on the identifier 
|    semantics and mapping 
|    mechanisms right now.

I think that the cart belongs behind the horse.  Until we get rough 
consensus on the architecture and make a decision, all other energies
are a distraction from that milestone.
