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RE: draft-ietf-multi6-multihoming-requirements-06.txt

> > Call me a control freak, but I (as campus network routing guy) would
> like to
> > get a little more determinism than is afforded by a virtual coin
> even a
> > weighted one.  If the address selection must occur in the host, I at
> least
> > want a hook to influence the selection process (for srcaddr *and*
> dstaddr).
> There have been many similar comments (from myself as well) asserting
> your statement.  It needs to be OS-independent as well, meaning that
> device that speaks IPv6 should be able to follow my rules/hints for
> traffic needs to go.  Any solution without this should be deemed
> unacceptable.

Any host implementation has to consider multiple scenarios, and site
multi-homing is just one of them. In practice, many hosts are
multi-homed to several sites -- think for example of a laptop with a
WiFi connection to the local access point, a GPRS connection, and maybe
an occasional VPN tunnel or two. Hosts do have to perform some amount of
srce/dest selection, if only to decide which of the hosts' interface to
use. It would be better to find a way to provide information to the
host, so the host can make an appropriate decision -- hints are more
efficient than rules.

-- Christian Huitema