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Re: Call for presentations
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I will add them. 15 mins per draft sounds a lot to me, but that will be
subject to total time used.
Best regards,
- - kurtis -
On måndag, jun 23, 2003, at 09:17 Europe/Stockholm, FUJIKAWA Kenji
> Kurt;
> We have already submitted internet-drafts that are related
> to multi6 WG. They can be downloded from
> http://www.users.kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~r52802/draft-ohira-assign-
> select-e2e-multihome-00.txt
> and
> http://hage.tori.cc/~arifumi/draft-arifumi-lin6-multihome-api-00.txt
> , and will be downloded from ftp.ietf.org soon.
> We would like to make presentations abount them, so would
> you assign slots for us? We'll be glad if you assign 15min
> for each draft.
> FYI, we now manage more than 200 wireless APs based on
> 802.11b in Kyoto city, Japan, and all of them supports
> IPv6. We are also planning to multihome them. I believe our
> platform is the largest IPv6 wireless environment in the
> world, and will be the largest wireless multihomed
> environment.
> The followings are detailed information on drafts:
> ID: draft-ohira-assign-select-e2e-multihome-00.txt
> Title: IPv6 Address Assingment and Route Selection
> for End-to-End Multihoming
> Speaker: FUJIKAWA Kenji (Kyoto University)
> Abstract:
> IPv6 suppose that network is hierarchical. Though the present IP
> network topology is not hierarchical at the point of multihoming.
> In this document, we clarify that
> a) how to assign address blocks to ISPs and sites in order to
> achieve multihome environment without destroying hierarchical
> structure of IPv6
> b) requirements in order for end hosts to select an adequete route
> from multiple routes when multihoming.
> ID: draft-arifumi-lin6-multihome-api-00.txt
> Title: Basic Socket API Extensions for LIN6 End-to-End Multihoming
> Speaker: Arifumi Matsumoto (Kyoto University)
> Abstract:
> This document describes a method for multihoming support in
> application layer. We extend the basic socket API(Application
> Programming Interface) and propose some new interfaces for
> multihoming. Multihoming nodes are expected to have multiple
> addresses. The existing socket APIs, however, are not designed to
> manipulate multiple addresses in a connection. Proposed APIs help
> an
> application to handle multiple addresses, to avoid connection
> failure
> and to do load-balancing possibly. Right now, the proposed APIs are
> for LIN6 nodes, one of the mobile protocols. This is because LIN6's
> addressing architecture, which is called "8+8", is very friendly and
> consistent with multihoming. In this document, we propose a host-
> based multihoming solution and which is called end-to-end
> multihoming. In end-to-end multihoming, a fault-tolerant connection
> can be achieved relying not on routers but on the pair of end-nodes
> only.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> FUJIKAWA, Kenji @ Grad. Sch. of Informatics, Kyoto Univ., Japan
> WWW: http://www.lab1.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~fujikawa/index-e.html
> TEL +81 75-753-5387 FAX +81 75-751-0482
> E-mail fujikawa@real-internet.org
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