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Re: Call for presentations

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We have already submitted internet-drafts that are related
to multi6 WG. They can be downloded from
, and will be downloded from ftp.ietf.org soon.

We would like to make presentations abount them, so would 
you assign slots for us? We'll be glad if you assign 15min 
for each draft.

FYI, we now manage more than 200 wireless APs based on
802.11b in Kyoto city, Japan, and all of them supports
IPv6. We are also planning to multihome them. I believe our
platform is the largest IPv6 wireless environment in the
world, and will be the largest wireless multihomed

The followings are detailed information on drafts:

ID:        draft-ohira-assign-select-e2e-multihome-00.txt
Title:     IPv6 Address Assingment and Route Selection 
           for End-to-End Multihoming
Speaker:   FUJIKAWA Kenji (Kyoto University)
   IPv6 suppose that network is hierarchical. Though the present IP
   network topology is not hierarchical at the point of multihoming.

   In this document, we clarify that
    a) how to assign address blocks to ISPs and sites in order to
       achieve multihome environment without destroying hierarchical
       structure of IPv6
    b) requirements in order for end hosts to select an adequete route
       from multiple routes when multihoming.

ID:        draft-arifumi-lin6-multihome-api-00.txt
Title:     Basic Socket API Extensions for LIN6 End-to-End Multihoming
Speaker:   Arifumi Matsumoto (Kyoto University)
   This document describes a method for multihoming support in
   application layer.  We extend the basic socket API(Application
   Programming Interface) and propose some new interfaces for
   multihoming.  Multihoming nodes are expected to have multiple
   addresses.  The existing socket APIs, however, are not designed to
   manipulate multiple addresses in a connection.  Proposed APIs help an
   application to handle multiple addresses, to avoid connection failure
   and to do load-balancing possibly.  Right now, the proposed APIs are
   for LIN6 nodes, one of the mobile protocols.  This is because LIN6's
   addressing architecture, which is called "8+8", is very friendly and
   consistent with multihoming.  In this document, we propose a host-
   based multihoming solution and which is called end-to-end
   multihoming.  In end-to-end multihoming, a fault-tolerant connection
   can be achieved relying not on routers but on the pair of end-nodes
FUJIKAWA, Kenji @ Grad. Sch. of Informatics, Kyoto Univ., Japan
 WWW: http://www.lab1.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~fujikawa/index-e.html
                        TEL +81 75-753-5387 FAX +81 75-751-0482
                              E-mail fujikawa@real-internet.org