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Re: About draft-arifumi-lin6-multihome-api-00.txt (was Re: Call forpresentations)


> > Another question is related to security, i.e. how do you authenticate
> > the addresses actually belong to the node that is claiming its
> > ownership? This is a very important and difficult issue as far i can
> > tell, and it should be addressed.
> This is also mentioned in the LIN6's draft above. In LIN6
> layer, address information are exchanged and updated in
> a secure manner using cookies exchanged through a location
> query to the MA.

I made a mistake at this point. This issue hasn't yet
mentioned in this draft. But note that this simple
cookie authentication mechanism has already implemented
in LIN6 so that every LIN6 node can notify his addresses to
his correspondent securely.
There is a paper on this cookie authentication mechanism 
submitted by LIN6 developers. But, unfortunately, this is
in japanese only.

I'm not sure whether the LIN6 draft will be updated or not.

Arifumi Matsumoto