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RE: Consensus on identifier/locator split?

    > From: "Christian Huitema" <huitema@windows.microsoft.com>

    >> Do we have consensus about splitting the address into locators and
    >> identifiers? Note that I'm NOT asking about specifics, like "how big",
    >> "what mappings exist", "is it secure", etc.

    > Specifically, we don't have a consensus that a new category of
    > identifiers should be created, and that this new category should be
    > used by all applications and processed by all nodes.

True, but that's not the question Tony is asking.

If you have a problem with Tony's question, what's your answer to my
reformulated question "do we want to do things that inherently separate
location and identity, like keep TCP connections open when switching

    > We also definitely don't have a consensus that any such identifiers
    > should be visible "in the network", by opposition to say, session
    > identifiers that are only visible end-to-end.

Another good question, and one I also believe Tony was putting off for now.
