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Re: draft-nordmark-multi6-sim-00.txt

On 29 okt 2003, at 18:21, Brian E Carpenter wrote:

Er, the diffserv field isn't available for that... we use it
for diffserv...

Using diffserv for signalling whether rewriting is allowed doesn't get too much in the way of regular diffserv use. (Hm, didn't we have a very similar discussion just recently?)

Worst case, twice the number of code points would be needed: one for service level x without rewriting and one for service level x with rewriting, one for service level y without rewriting... Best case, only a single DSCP would be used up: default without rewriting, in addition to default with rewriting and all other service levels with rewriting.

And I wish people would think about routers that will be shipped ten or fifty
years from now. If the solution is sub-optimal for today's hardware, that
should not in itself be a show-stopper.

Interesting point. I sort of agree. I don't think it applies here, though. Using the diffserv bits is the most logical and cleanest choice if we can make it work, and I believe we can.