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Re: noid and applications (generic requirements from applications)

> In this picture A send thinsg to B, and use as src AID(A) and dst 
> AID(B).
> Questions:
> If B send a packet back to A, can AID(B) be used as src, and AID(A) as 
> dst?

Yes. That is what most ULPs will do.

> If B send a packet to C with src AID(B) and dst AID(C), can B send 
> AID(A) to C so C can use src AID(C) and dst AID(A)?

Yes, the AIDs can be used for referrals since they are not really different
than today's IP addresses; they are locators.
The only thing to consider is when AID(A) isn't working as a locator when
C tries to contact it.

There are two choices:
C can detect that the locator doesn't work and do a reverse+forward DNS
lookup to get the whole locator set (Ls(A)).
The referal can include Ls(A) instead of just the AID(A); this requires
modifying existing IPv6 appication protocols which do referal.
