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how secure mh should be? Re: identifiers and security

Hi Kurtis,

imho is important to reach a common criteria here.

i think that the minimum goal should be that the resulting solution should be as secure as current fixed, single homed IPv6 internet.

As you say, i wouldn't mind if the result is a bit more secure, but i wouldn't require it

Regards, marcelo

El 01/07/2004, a las 9:57, Kurt Erik Lindqvist escribió:

Hash: SHA1

[Catching up a bit]

On 2004-06-28, at 13.52, Erik Nordmark wrote:

Thus something which is quite insecure (weaker than NOID as above) when
IPsec isn't used, but when IPsec is used it is as strong as with IPsec
today's Internet.
Is anybody interested in exploring these ideas further?

Personally I think that we at some point need to clarify the "do no harm" view. I.e do we want to try and achieve something better than today? Or is relying on the security extension headers of IPv6 give us some slack? Or do we just agree that the world is ok today and trying to do better is shooting for the stars?

I personally wouldn't mind aiming for something a bit higher than today.

- - kurtis -

Version: PGP 8.0.3
