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Re: "Agenda" for opsec gathering Monday 1-3 @ Message Board

In message <m365qlsm3q.fsf_-_@apire.port111.com>, gmj@pobox.com writes:
>Since we're going to have a few people there, I figure
>a brief "agenda" is in order (this will not be formal,
>I'm thinking "hotel bar" after meeting up).
>Productive things we could do/discuss:
>  - See who shows up
>  - Poll who's there for interest/time/effort available.
>  - Go over open issues (mostly held over from Atlanta
>    due to my job change, relocation and general dislocation).
>    See http://www.port11.com/opsec/issues/
>  - Farm out open issues to willing participants.
>  - Work on identifying "core team", figuring out who
>    else to try to pull in...I'd like to come up with
>    a core team of 4-6 people representing at least 2
>    vendors and two large network operators (UUNET
>    and many UUNET defectors are in)...Barry any luck
>    with Sprint and Juniper contacts ?  Steve, would
>    you care to represent "a large network" or have
>    pointers to some of your network ops/security bretheran ?
>    Greg (Sayadian @ AOL, formerly UUNET, author of 
>    predecessor of current doc): would you be able
    to be a user/netops/large-net reviewer ?
>  - Review issues with the current document
Not clear that I can make it -- there were wg meetings I was planning 
on attending.

		--Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb (me)
		http://www.wilyhacker.com (2nd edition of "Firewalls" book)