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Re: Chagnes to logging requirements, markup method for changes

Fred Baker <fred@cisco.com> writes:

> some words you want to have in your draft:
> The key words &quot;MUST&quot;, &quot;MUST NOT&quot;,
> &quot;REQUIRED&quot;, &quot;SHALL&quot;, &quot;SHALL NOT&quot;,
> &quot;SHOULD&quot;, &quot;SHOULD NOT&quot;, &quot;RECOMMENDED&quot;,
> &quot;MAY&quot;, and &quot;OPTIONAL&quot; in this document are to be
> interpreted as described in  <xref target="RFC2119">RFC 2119</xref>.

In fact, they are already in there.   Section 1.6 of /current/

George M. Jones    |  <C> Give a couple of million XP-users a word processor
Network Security   |  and infinite time and they'll produce the complete works
Architect, JAPH    |  of Shakespeare.<J> No, Windows would crash first.