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RE: Dropping stealthing from opsec; Anyone for a little I>R<TF work ?

> Actually firewalls, IDSes, IPSes and other devices could benefit
> from stealthing. I agree it should probably be in a separate document.
> But it should/would apply beyond the core.
> As for the core, I am afraid lots of things will probably break if its'
> invisible.
> However making it invisible from the OUTSIDE of the network might be
> practical.

Sorry....I guess I should have been more clear...the goal IS to
make the core invisible beyond the edge.

In the case of a firewall, it's still visible as a layer three device:
it has an address, packets can be sent to it, TTLs decrement when
packets cross it, and it sends ICMP messages.  In the sense that
I'm using the term, none of those may be true.
