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new version of draft-sterman-aaa-sip


a new version of the HTTP Digest RADIUS draft is available:

Changes from -01

   o  Replaced Sub-attributes with flat attributes [don't ask]
   o  aligned naming with draft-ietf-aaa-diameter-sip-app-02
   o  Added how a server must treat unknown attributes.
   o  Added a section 'Migration path to DIAMETER' [input/corrections from AAA WG welcome]
   o  Added an optional attribute for support of the digest scheme
      described in informational [RFC3310].
   o  Added a mode of operation where the RADIUS server chooses the
      nonce.  This was required for AKA [RFC3310], but can be useful for
      ordinary Digest authentication when the qop directive is not used.
      This required the addition of several attributes.


Wolfgang Beck
Internet Netzplattformen
+49 6151 937 2863
Am Kavalleriesand 3
64295 Darmstadt 

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