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Re: [AAA-WG]: AW: Comments to draft-sterman-aaa-sip-03 and draft-ietf-aaa-sip-a pp-03

Wolfgang Beck wrote:

After converting the draft to flat attributes, I tried to save attribute
space. It is a scarce resource in RADIUS.

Bernard Aboba wrote:

Also, saving attribute space is not a design goal of this document.
Diameter compatibility *is* a design goal.

In general, I'd rather have a larger number of attributes in a draft than cause problems for translation. Of course we can build special cases for attributes, but I'd rather have NASREQ-style completely automatic mapping (attribute => AVP from RADIUS space) or at least simple table driven mapping (attribute => AVP from Diameter space with same type).

Note: if RADIUS attribute space really runs out, we can
create more, through an IETF "vendor" attribute, for


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