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RE: Vendor-Id for radext extended attributes

I think that it might be a better idea instead of using the (already
assigned to IANA, as David has pointed out) Vendor-Id of zero (0)  for the
radext extended attributes to instead request a separate Vendor-Id for the
radext WG & encourage other WGs that need new attributes to do the same.
For example, the hokey WG is likely to need at least one new RADIUS
attribute, so it would get its own ID (& therefore its own namespace). This
has the advantage of expanding the standard attribute space by leaps rather
than baby steps ;-) & provides a fairly automatic & orderly method of
namespace management.  Thoughts?
I would agree that there is a namespace management issue, not only for the 
extensions, but also for VSAs in general.  If we are looking to enable SDOs 
to manage their own RADIUS attribute space much as as they manage their OID 
space (e.g. virtually unlimited space, not gated by IANA), then I don't 
think you can get there via use of a single Vendor-Id and an 8 bit 
Vendor-Type space.
The question in my mind is whether it is better to go with multiple 
Vendor-Ids, or instead, to expand the Vendor-Type space to 16 bits.   While 
there is more work involved in supporting a 16-bit Vendor-Type space, it 
seems like a cleaner solution long term, particularly from the IANA point of 
view.  Asking IANA to track Vendor-Id allocations for individual WGs, and 
individual RADIUS attribute allocations within those Vendor-Ids, seems like 
it could quickly become complex.

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