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Re: Guidelines suggested text for checklist:

  Suggested text:

   SDOs are encouraged to submit their RADIUS specifications to the IETF
   for publication as an informational RFC.  Vendors defining Vendor-
   Specific dictionaries for their own use SHOULD make their
   specification publicly available, but there is no need to publish
   their specification as an RFC.

  i.e. IANA should do nothing in either case.
I think that the issue of IANA assignment could be addressed more 
explicitly.  How about this?
"SDOs are encouraged to seek review of VSA specifications by the IETF, and 
once reviewed, to publish them as Informational RFCs, rather than requesting 
IANA allocations within the standard RADIUS attribute space.   Vendors 
wishing to make their specifications publicly available should also  request 
publication of their VSA specifications as Informational RFCs by the IETF, 
rather than requesting IANA allocations for proprietary attributes."

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