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Re: [RRG] RRG Meeting in San Diego

Hi Aaron,

El 09/11/2006, a las 23:07, Aaron Falk escribió:

On Nov 8, 2006, at 8:48 AM, marcelo bagnulo braun wrote:

I think that the scope of this group is very relevant and i would really like to see the group continue its work I am aware that there haven't been much activity lately, but i guess that with the new challenges that the internet routing scalability for instance, there will be more activity in this area and in particular in this forum

Hi Marcelo-

This group will only be useful if the people who want to see it continue propose some work items and collaborate on furthering them. I'm glad you support the RG. Perhaps you'd like to propose something that the group might do...?

After seeing the reports presented at v6ops and the plenary session about the IAB workshop on routing and addressing, i guess it is clear that there are a set of very relevant problems that need to be addressed in routing. I certainly believe that this forum could be a very good place to work on them. I mean, i can see that there are some solutions that can be worked on the ietf and that could provide some level of support in the short term for some of the problems, but i think that interesting research work can be performed in that area. In particular, imho this forum is a very good place to link the work being done in the more academic community and the actual implementations of solutions in the real internet. I mean, research papers usually present some interesting and very clever ideas but when those ideas are converted into a real protocol spec, there are quite a few issues that need to be addressed. I think this could be place to make this work.

Going more into specifics, the presentation made in the plenary showed that artificial deaggregation of prefixes in order to achieve inter domain TE is an important burden to the global routing table and jeopardizes routing system scalability. If this is the case, it seems that working on alternative, scalable mechanisms for TE is a relevant work for the health of the routing system. I guess there are some papers fo alternative means to achieve TE, perhaps this could be a good place to try to produce alternative TE tools. This forum would be interesting imho because it can attempt to produce a protocol spec going into the actual details and more important, becasue we can try to contrast the resulting solution with the needs of current users, i.e. end sites and isps that want to do TE.

I guess there are other issues concerns that have been identified in the workshop that could benefit from research and could be worked on this rg. Bottom line is that, as i see it, in order to deal with the problems identified in the workshop, short terms are needed, but also longer term research work can be done. I think this could be the forum for the second type of work. My perception from the outcome of the workshop is that there is quite some energy in the community to address these problems and probably we could benefit from it.

Regards, marcelo


  IRTF chair

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