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Re: [RRG] RRG Meeting in San Diego

On Mon, Nov 13, 2006 at 01:23:45PM +0100, marcelo bagnulo braun wrote:
> After seeing the reports presented at v6ops and the plenary session 
> about the IAB workshop on routing and addressing, i guess it is clear 
> that there are a set of very relevant problems that need to be 
> addressed in routing. I certainly believe that this forum could be a 
> very good place to work on them. I mean, i can see that there are some 
> solutions that can be worked on the ietf and that could provide some 
> level of support in the short term for some of the problems, but i 
> think that interesting research work can be performed in that area.
> In particular, imho this forum is a very good place to link the work 
> being done in the more academic community and the actual 
> implementations of solutions in the real internet. I mean, research 
> papers usually present some interesting and very clever ideas but when 
> those ideas are converted into a real protocol spec, there are quite a 
> few issues that need to be addressed. I think this could be place to 
> make this work.

There has been a lot of mail to architecture-discuss@ietf.org over the
weekend, people may want to join that if not on it or look at the
list archives.
Regarding rrg, I agree with Marcelo, it seems a good place to look at
the pragmatic issues with proposals that are currently on paper only.

The snag with the IAB workshop's view and rrg is that the workshop seems
to be saying 'we need a solution now' (i.e. within a year) to be deployed
in the next 5-7 years.   Much of what might appear in rrg is further 
out than that.    So you might lose some of what makes rrg interesting
if the focus is on what can actually be deployed in the near future.
I think Marcelo is saying the same thing in his mail, but it's something
to be aware of.


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