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Re: [RRG] Tunnel fragmentation/reassembly for RRG map-and-encaps architectures

Yakov Rekhter wrote:
Just because you piggyback control information on data does not
change the fact that this is control information, and thus
has to be processed by the control plane.
True, but let's not get hung up just yet on how we process control plane 
By doing this, a failure on the part of one of the far end ITRs can be transmitted to the near end ETR using those bits. Similarly, when a failed far end ITR returns to service, it or another far end ITR can indicate its reachability. Now, tell me how fast can BGP handle either a withdraw or an announcement?
What matters is how fast one could restore reachability, as the
service is reachability, not BGP.
Right.  But I'm looking for a comparison between methods to restore 
reachability ;-)
With LISP in order to restore reachability the failure information
has to be propagated from ETRs all the way to ITRs.
Well, let's put this in more quantifiable terms. Link goes down. IGP floods that to other ETRs as traffic shifts from one ETR to another. Let's agree that IGP has to converge no matter whether we're talking LISP or BGP ;-) Now it is a mere matter of 1/2 RTT between the new ETR and ITR. So, when you say "all the way", sure. But put in terms of time, I'd like to understand the numbers, especially if the router has failed. A count to infinity is not fun. I've tried it ;-)
  In contrast
to this, with the current routing restoring reachability may require
(much) narrow scope of the the failure information propagation.
This has always been an option, but it's not solely used by any serious 
enterprise.  So why do you think it will be acceptable in the future?  
Einstein had something to say about that logic.  And where it's not 
particularly useful to the enterprise, it's downright hostile to the 
consumer.  Today the consumer has really two wires into her house: phone 
and cable.  We ought to engineer for that at least for today instead of 
insisting that she have two phone or two cable lines for redundancy, or 
worse imposing business practices on the service providers to manage the 
redundancy through wholesale mechanisms.

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