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Re: [RRG] ALT + NERD is inelegant & inefficient, compared to APT or Ivip

On Jan 23, 2008, at 10:19 AM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:

Table 1 in Section 5.1 of draft-lear-lisp-nerd-02.txt addresses this
somewhat. At 10^8 EIDs, assuming IPv6 addresses, the database size is
likely to be less than 6 GB.  Let us be pessimistic and say that the
update rate is 1.0% per day, leading to a change rate of 60MB per day,
or an hourly rate of 2.5MB.  My netnews server could do this in 1987.
We're talking about 2050.  What's the problem?
I seem to hear Tony saying that 10^8 is nothing like enough, unless
I'm missing something in his argument that we should go to host level.
Personally I think that 10^8 is more than plenty, but we do need to get
a fix on this.

Again, the real question here is about whether we need host granularity or not.
If not, then Eliot's figures make perfect sense and the lack of  
granularity also suggests that the rate of change would be relatively  
low, further endorsing his approach.
However, if we do need host granularity, then I think you need about  
3 orders of magnitude more scale, and pure push approaches simply  
won't get you there.

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