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Re: [RRG] getting rid of longest match

On 25 feb 2008, at 23:43, Scott Brim wrote:

What I'm thinking is that for any given part of the address space, there would be a fixed prefix length. So for /24, for /20, for /8... So in theory, there would be no overlap. There could still be if the filters weren't set up properly, which would probably have to resolved when translating the RIB into the FIB.
Isn't this just what we did pre-CIDR?
Yes, except that it wouldn't be hardcoded into the IP stack but  
enforced through filters. So it could be /24 for and /19  
The issue with overlap is: which one do you choose? Longest match says  
the smallest block is the good one, but I don't think YouTube  
appreciated that logic yesterday. If we ditch longest match we need  
another rule. Allowing only one prefix size for a certain address  
range is one way to resolve this, but others are also possible. For  
instance, S-BGP or soBGP-like security mechanisms.
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