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Re: [RRG] Why delaying initial packets matters

Regarding mobility support of a reactive mapping system: It would work for local mobility within an edge network. But not for global mobility.
Could you expand on this?  Assuming a pull system something along  
the lines
of what I described to Robin, why wouldn't it work for global  


I should have been more specific, and maybe we are even on the same page.
It is possible to use the indirection between edge and transit addresses
as a tool for global mobility support, but alone it is insufficient. Three
more components are needed:

(1) Localized mobility support within an edge network, because the address indirection alone tracks host mobility only at the granularity of edge
     networks, not access links.

(2)  Dynamic and per-host mappings between edge and transit addresses,
because the mapping for a single edge address changes when a mobile
     host moves to another edge network

(3)  Trust relationships between edge networks so that a mobile host's
mapping can be changed by (or based on information of) a visited edge

Item (1) could be realized through, e.g., Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 or Proxy Mobile IPv6. Item (2) could be realized through pull systems for mapping resolution. Push systems would likely create an unsuitably high amount of state as well as signaling and processing overhead if they were to provide
the required fine-granularity and dynamism.

I analyzed the feasibility of mobility support through address indirection also in my paper on Six/One Router [1], section 3.5. The analysis considers mobility support through address indirection in general where possible, and
looks at Six/One Router specifically only where necessary.

[1]  http://users.piuha.net/chvogt/pub/2008/vogt-2008-six-one-router.pdf

- Christian

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