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[RRG] Policy routing

|    > Some folks have proposed a hybrid architecture in the past that
|    > both, but it (rightfully) went over like a lead balloon.
|		    ^^^^^^^^^^
|Can you expand on that some? Why did it fail, and why was that failure

Hmmm...  Well, at the risk of taking us way off topic...

Basically, it failed because the policy capabilities of the then-current
paradigm sufficed for the vast majority of the significant economic players.
Since most folks were reasonably happy, there wasn't any economic motivation
to get more complex.  Without the demand, there was no funding for further
development and everything pretty much withered on the vine.  While certain
folks felt it was a neat, keen, and nifty idea, none of it met the bottom
line requirement: necessity is the mother of invention.  Without the
commercial expression of the necessity, there was no invention.

Call it misguided or pragmatic: money talks.  In this case, it was wholly
mute.  ;-)

Folks wanting to discuss this further, let's please take it to the bar BOF.


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