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Re: [RRG] Are we solving the wrong problem?

Hi Scott,

El 05/03/2008, a las 17:23, Scott Brim escribió:

Excerpts from Pekka Nikander on Wed, Mar 05, 2008 07:39:36AM +0200:
Interesting.  This sounds pretty much like HIP base exchange...
I had exactly the same thought, smiling as I read.

This is interesting stuff but mostly orthogonal to routing (alas).
I am not yet sure about that (i am not sure that is not the case  
neither though)
It would be possible to think that TCP marks the packets saying that  
it wants a different path, cause the currnet one is congested, and  
then we would need a much richer interaction with routing.
From my perspective, this is not routing but it is not transport  
neither, it is the interaction between them and there is interesting  
and promising work to be done there imho
allows endpoints to manage their congestion and do simple TE.
I disagree with the word simple :-)
I think this provides really interesting TE because is quite dynamic TE response to congestion. this is what people try to achieve today by injecting more specifics that are highly volatile. More specifics for TE represrent about 30% of current routing table (Huston, Zhang et al). Moreover, i would think thjat the represent the most volatile ones, since they are likely to change because of the conditions, so the are likely to account for an imporntat part of the updates. Maybe doing this type of mechanism would allow automatic rerouting to avoid congestion and will avoid the more specifics related to that (of course, the more specifics related to a different type of TE needs wouldn't go away)
doesn't allow more sophisticated policy, avoid renumbering, etc. (see
the RRG design goals).

agree that some other forms of policy routing are not so clear, but  
note that the ISPs can give congestions hints to make the flows to be  
rerouted, so it would be indeed possible to achive some forms of  
policy manipulation with this
renumbering would need more work, and doesn't seem to me to be a key  
feature of this approach to put in some way :-)
regards, marcelo

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