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Re: [RRG] Are we solving the wrong problem?

El 06/03/2008, a las 2:04, Tony Li escribió:

|This is interesting stuff but mostly orthogonal to routing (alas). It
|allows endpoints to manage their congestion and do simple TE.  It
|doesn't allow more sophisticated policy, avoid renumbering, etc. (see
|the RRG design goals).

Doesn't it obviate the need to advertise PI prefixes in the first place?
right but that implies that the site is using PA and then all the  
renumbering pains appear, right? am i missing something?
We could think that ones of the identifiers used are a ULA and then  
avoid internal connectivity problems through rebumbering events (since  
this type of approaches can very easily work with some addresses that  
are not working) abnd also avoid part of the renumbering pain since  
the only string exposed to the apps is the ULA, so, it could be less  
pain, but still it seems that the PA addresses are ewxposed to the  
hosts, at least in the form of locators.
Regards, marcelo


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