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Re: [RRG] LISP next steps

	2012? That is 6 years after the IAB workshop in AMS, and
	almost 20 years (depending on how you count) since the
	events that resulted in the IPNg process. That said,
	implementations, if they don't start before the specs
	reach RFC status, will require something like another two
	more years to develop hardware, plus whatever it takes to do
	software development, dev testing, field testing, ...Now
	you're talking something (conservatively) like 2015-2018.
And let's be realistic here, implementation experience *always*  
results in spec changes. I have never seen it otherwise.
That is, if the there is any traction to a proposal. There are cases  
of no spec changes for things no one had implemented, but that means  
the technology is irrelevant.

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