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Re: [RRG] Comments on draft-lewis-lisp-interworking

I would have to disagree with the description below.

Dino Farinacci wrote:
Have you thought more about this now, and can you say something about it
on the list?
It's the same answer I said when I was standing up at RRG. Providers 
will do whatever they can to attract traffic. They typically don't want 
to say no. The more traffic they attract the more peering they can get. 
And the business opportunities start from there.
When geographic addressing (for v6, or even for v4) was proposed, one of 
the big issues, brought forward by the providers, was that it would 
require the provider to accept traffic for any customer in the 
geographic region, and deliver it.  This was unacceptable.  It costs 
money to have infrastructure to handle packets. And no one was / is 
paying for that infrastructure.
This seems to me to be exactly the same issue as for PTRs as proposed.
There may be a way to deploy PTRs that gets them paid for, but I don't know what it is.
Ignoring economic issues is a recipe for failure.  If no one can afford 
to deploy the solution if it catches on, then they will avoid doing so. 
 (Yes, anyone can afford PTRs in the early stage.  That's not the 
And no, operators don't want to attract traffic.  They may want peering 
relationships (not all want them.)  As Peter sarcastically but 
accurately put it at the mike, they want to be paid for traffic, but 
they don't actually want the traffic.

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