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Re: [RRG] new draft on " A Taxonomy for New Routing and Addressing Architecture Designs"

I'm so far behind email, just notice this

On Mar 29, 2008, at 10:28 AM, Scott Brim wrote:
Lixia and I (primarily Lixia) have just posted a new draft,
if the word "primarily" means who's responsible for the errors, that's  
more than accurate :-)
On the other hand, without Scott this draft would not have been written

" A
Taxonomy for New Routing and Addressing Architecture Designs".  It's
at <http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-rrg-taxonomy-00.txt>.


  The Routing Research Group is tasked to design a new routing
  architecture to meet the challenges of scalability in face of
  pervasive multi-homing and inter-domain traffic engineering.  A
  number of solutions have been proposed.  This draft describes a
  taxonomy for the design space, and then uses the taxonomy to discuss
  and compare the proposed solutions.

This draft does not advocate criteria or metrics for comparing
performance of different approaches.  Rather, we've been trying to
find a unifying functional description and dimensions for discussion
of all proposals.  It's about "how", not "how well".

This hasn't been easy, and we've gone around on this draft for a
while.  It's an unfinished project and needs group discussion.  You'll
see we list ourselves as editors.
I'd also like to add that the current version is rather incomplete.  
There can be design points in the space that we fail to see at this  
time, but we also have not covered completely all the points we know.  
Plan to fill in the missing parts in a revision next week (and  
hopefully also integrate in any comments/criticisms we receive before  

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