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Re: [RRG] More discussion please: mapping churn

On 3/30/08 10:03 PM, Tony Li allegedly wrote:
There hasn't been much discussion on the mapping churn rate.  There have
been a few good questions, but not much back and forth.  Do folks have an
opinion or should I just propose some text?
I understand you're trying to nail down criteria, but I think it's 
premature to put numbers on this.  To start with, are you still using a 
general definition of "mapping", or is the question specific to 
intermediary-based map-n-encap?  Second, are you assuming a single 
database that needs to be updated, or allowing for multiple DBs or 
distributed DB?  Are you taking into account that in pull models 
"outdated" mapping entries might still be valid?
It might be better to turn this on its side.  Instead of organizing your 
questions by different functions like mapping discovery/distribution, 
organize them by the points where functions take place.  So instead of 
asking about "mapping churn rate at all possible places", how about "all 
kinds of requirements at intermediate map-n-encap points"?
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