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Geographical aggregation, was: Re: [RRG] RRG process clarification

On 2 mei 2008, at 18:43, Tony Li wrote:

|Should the geographically aggregatable address be out of the
No, geographically aggregatable addresses are not out of consideration. However, to seriously propose them, one should also include solutions to the well known issues with geographic aggregation. At the very least, these include the resulting common interconnect within the geographic area and the effective mandate of the topology.
Let me take this opportunity to direct a small part of the rg's  
collective attention to a draft I wrote a while ago (ugh, has it been  
this long?):

The idea is that address space is given out geographically so that each AS can aggregate based on geography _internally_. Interconnection still happens the same as today, i.e., everyone announces their prefixes to peers at all interconnection locations, but those announcements are ignored outside of the target area. This has the nice property that everyone can draw the aggregation boundaries where they want so there is no need to interconnect in all locations. When interconnection still happens outside the privately defined target area, ASes can break aggregation for the prefixes in question so there is a tradeoff between smaller routing tables and fewer interconnect locations.
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