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Again, I would like to get out of the mode of talking about individual
proposals.  If folks want to have a conceptual discussion about
transformation solutions in general, I'd welcome that.


|-----Original Message-----
|From: Brian E Carpenter [mailto:brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com] 
|Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 4:22 PM
|To: Xu Xiaohu
|Cc: tony.li@tony.li; lixia@CS.UCLA.EDU; 'Routing Research Group'
|Subject: Re: [RRG] GSE?
|I think the interesting question is: how many of those
|issues apply to ILNP?
|Also remember that some of the esd-analysis issues were
|disputed, which is really why the document never became
|an RFC.
|   Brian
|On 2008-06-12 16:29, Xu Xiaohu wrote:
|> Hi Tony and Lixia,
|> How about launching the review and discussion on the listed 
|issues of GSE in
|> draft-ietf-ipngwg-esd-analysis-05 one by one, so as to see 
|whether some of
|> them are still big issues from current point of view and to 
|find something
|> we can do now to fix these issues?
|> Best regards,
|> Xiaohu XU
|>> -----邮件原件-----
|>> 发件人: owner-rrg@psg.com [mailto:owner-rrg@psg.com] 代表 Tony Li
|>> 发送时间: 2008年6月12日 1:35
|>> 收件人: 'Mayutan A.'; 'Robin Whittle'
|>> 抄送: 'Routing Research Group'
|>> 主题: RE: [RRG] GSE?
|>> Hi Mayutan, Robin,
|>> 	Isn't the Six-One proposal by Christian Vogt an 
|enhancement of the
|>> GSE.
|>> 	http://www.watersprings.org/pub/id/draft-vogt-rrg-six-one-01.txt
|>> 	Correct me if I am wrong.
|>> You are exactly correct.  I still encourage folks to read GSE
|> independently,
|>> just so you have some perspective on Christian's changes.
|>> Also, some of the work that Ran Atkinson has done has been 
|in part derived
|>> from GSE.
|>> 		GSE seems to have been developed briefly around 1997.  I
|>> understand
|>> 		that applying it to IPv6 as used today would 
|involve major
|>> changes
|>> 		in routers, host stacks and some or all applications.
|>> 		There may well be some major attractions in 
|doing this, if
|>> it could
|>> 		be done, but it sounds like a radical thing on 
|which to bet
|>> the
|>> 		future of the Net.
|>> Welcome to the IRTF.  Our job is research.  No job too 
|large, no change
|>> unthinkable.
|>> 		Could you or someone else put together a 
|proposal and link
|>> to it
|>> 		from the RRG wiki?  An 8 page summary and 
|analysis document
|>> would be
|>> 		good too.
|>> Others should feel free to step up here.  I'm trying to 
|remain neutral.
|>> 		A crucial part of this would be the time-frame for
|>> transitioning the
|>> 		current IPv6 system to whatever it is you are 
|planning, and
|>> then
|>> 		having a transition plan for most end-users 
|from IPv4 to the
|>> new system.
|>> 		I think it would also be good to explain why you would
|>> prefer to do
|>> 		this in a hurry for IPv6 - due to whatever 
|urgency you or
|>> other
|>> 		people might think about the IPv4 scaling 
|problem - rather
|>> than
|>> 		fixing the IPv4 problem with a map-encap scheme and then
|>> being able
|>> 		to take more time on whatever it is you propose 
|for IPv6.
|>> I'm not in a hurry to do anything.  There's no need.  I'd 
|much rather Get
|> It
|>> Right.  Whatever we do here is forever.
|>> 		I haven't read enough to know how it provides 
|>> and
|>> 		portability (of the ESD part of the address) 
|when changing
|>> ISPs.
|>> The ESD would be a constant when changing ISPs.  That's the 
|whole point.
|>> Identifiers are decoupled from locators.
|>> 		So how does the Routing Goop and STP get set 
|when the packet
|>> leaves
|>> 		the site for another?  Does a router change 
|them or does the
|>> sending
|>> 		host have to get it right.  Does there need to 
|be a mapping
|>> function
|>> 		and consequently a mapping database to 
|determine what to set
|>> these
|>> 		to, since the ESD is what uniquely identifies the
|>> destination host?
|>> Presumably set by a router when you exit the subnet and/or 
|the site.  Yes,
|>> there needs to be a mapping database to determine 
|destination RG and ESD.
|>> One might reasonably extend DNS to do this.  No mapping 
|database is needed
|>> in the site's local routers as they would presumably be 
|configured with
|> the
|>> RG or learn it via some other management mechanism such as 
|SNMP, DHCP, the
|>> IGP, or your favorite NMS.
|>> 		What lead to the demise of GSE ten years ago?
|>> I wasn't directly involved, but my read was that it was 
|politics.  Because
|>> it modified v6, it was unacceptable to those that felt that v6 was
|> perfect.
|>> We seem to be over that now...
|>> Regards,
|>> Tony
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