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Re: v6 deployment in general [Re: tunnel broker deployment [RE: Tunneling scenarios and mechanisms evaluation]]

On Mar 15, 2004, at 1:11 PM, Pekka Savola wrote:

Stable addresses across reboot may be necessary.
I want to be able to build apps that take advantage of the large IPv6
address space and consider that addresses are stable.

So, you want to build a simple application. Don't we all.. :) But I don't think this is something we can guarantee even with native access. ISPs just aren't offering static v4 addresses today even when they'd have technical means to do so. So, counting on static v6 prefixes would IMHO be cutting corners too much.

The problem is worse with transition mechanisms, especially the ones
which traverse NATs, but the situation may improve as soon as we can
get rid of them.  In any case, such mechanisms can provide a stable
as long as they can keep the NAT/IP mappings stable -- which is, for a
properly designed application, maybe sufficient.

I'm not sure I want to follow you here. If an application needs to be written to
handle interface renumbering to benefit from IPv6 end to end connectivity,
this is putting the bar fairly high.

On the other hand, as long as John Doe's home PC stays powered on and
connected to the Internet, his address should stay stable.

I suppose that you are aware of ISPs that change DHCPv4 allocated addresses every 24 hours... If John Doe's computer build its v6 address form those volatile v4 addresses, its v6 address will also change very 24 hours, and this even though John Doe has not rebooted his PC. Not good.

Yep, I know this -- unfortunately. But there is little that can be done to fix ISPs which want to enforce the users not to do Foo (whatever Foo may be). We can hardly fix the misbehaving ISP problem at the IETF.. as you're probably well aware :)

In this scenario, we are already trying to fix the issue of ISP not cooperating
to deploy IPv6... so I do not think it is unreasonable to seek to fix the
address volatility problem at the same time if it is possible.

- Alain.