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RE: Enterprise scenario text proposal

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Dave Thaler wrote:


> 4.2 Mechanisms Evaluation
>    One should note that we are not evaluating the specific version of
>    the specification, but rather the mechanism in a more generic sense
>    ("which features could this mechanism easily be made to work with?").
>      +++++
>             NAT-T  Direct  ISP  Secure Simple   Low   Impl.  
> Depl. Mcast
>                                              Overhead
>      Teredo  Y       Y      N      Y      N      N     R      Y     N
>      ISATAP  N       Y@     Y     N/R     R      Y     Y      R?    N
>      TSP     Y       N      Y?     Y      R      N     R      R?    Y?
>      STEP    Y       N      Y      Y     Y/R     Y     N      N     Y?
> +    L2TP    Y       N      Y      Y      N      N     Y      Y     Y
> +    6to4    N       Y      N      N      Y      Y     Y      Y     N
> +    6over4  N       Y      Y      R      Y      Y     Y      R     Y

In cases of TSP and STEP I don't think these should be listed here, as
these two are configuration methods, while Teredo/isatap/l2tp/6to4/6over4
are protocols that go over the link after being configured by such a method.

TSP can do 6over4, but also 6inudp4 or whatever it is called and it can
be used to configure a machine to setup a l2tp connection and some
others, depending on the availability of a protocol.
When TSP uses 6over4 as a protocol it thus doesn't support NAT-T.

Also 6over4 is spoofable when one is able to spoof IPv4 packets.
Eg mentioned by the following, but I guess that is why it is 'R' ;) 
Simplicity of 6over4 depends on the configuration method and or
knowledge of the person setting it up or is it meant as
'simplicity of the protocol' ?

There are also at least two seperate Teredo implementations but
I guess you are more aware of those ;)

TSP and STEP thus can do Multicast depending on the protocol it uses.


Version: Unfix PGP for Outlook
Comment: Jeroen Massar / http://unfix.org/~jeroen/
