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Re: Teredo vs Silkroad


On Sat, May 22, 2004 at 04:32:31PM +0800, Eiffel Wu wrote:
> i don't know the allocation of IPv6 address exactly before, now i am clear about it.:)
> A /32 prefix has a large address space, which can divided into many blocks to assign to sub-ISPs.

Just as a side note, to complete the picture:  if an ISP has sufficient
customers (or a sufficiently large deployment plan), even larger address
blocks than a /32 can be allocated by the regional registries.

Currently, most ISPs do not need more than a /32, but at least in RIPE
land, one /31, /27 and even one /20 have been allocated to big Telco-ISPs
(with many broadband customers).

The same rules apply to APNIC ISPs, so "getting large enough address space" 
for chinese ISPs is mostly a question of actually talking to APNIC and
explaining their deployment plans.

For details on the APNIC IPv6 allocation policy, please see:


Gert Doering
        -- RIPE Address Policy WG Co-Chair
Total number of prefixes smaller than registry allocations:  60210  (58081)

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