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RE: draft-ietf-ngtrans-isatap-21.txt

Jonne Soininen wrote:
> Fred et al.,
> so have reached agreement on the edits needed (if any) to the -21? Is
> new revision needed based on the comments?

The co-authors have reached agreement on the edits needed to the -21
draft as a result of feedback from Karen Nielsen and Markku Savela
and some editorial nits discovered. The non-editorial items are as
described at the end of issues 14, 21, and 22 on
and are briefly:
14) Move existing text from elsewhere in the document into a new 
Encapsulation subsection, for better readability.  No technical impact.
22) Remove mention of "neighbor cache entries".  This approach is
consistent with that taken in the 6to4 RFC.  This is trivial as well,
as only two sentences are affected.
23) Trivial wording change from "point-to-multipoint" to "non-broadcast
multi-access (NBMA)" in the terminology section.

The authors had been waiting to see if any additional issues were
raised before resubmitting an update, but since a month has now
passed since -21 was issued and no further issues have come up
we believe we can go ahead and submit -22.
> According the agreement reached in Seoul, as soon as you get this
> you can pursue this as individual experimental submission for
> publication.
> I think it would be worth while moving forward as soon as you reach
> agreement on the draft.

We will work with the WG chairs and ADs in taking the
next steps forward in a timely fashion.

The ISATAP co-authors.

> Cheers,
> Jonne.