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Re: FW: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-v6ops-ent-scenarios-03.txt

Hi Jonne,

In general, I think this document looks good.

There are two small issues that I think should be addressed before it goes to the IESG, though.

(1) There are several lines in the document that are longer than 80 characters and there may be other I-D Checklist violations (I didn't do a complete check). Is it safe to assume that the WG chairs will do an I-D Checklist review and get any issues fixed before sending this to the IESG?

(2) The abstract doesn't seem very clear to me...

It says:

   This document describes the scenarios for IPv6 deployment within
   enterprise networks.  It will focus upon an enterprise set of network
   base scenarios with assumptions, coexistence with legacy IPv4 nodes,
   networks, and applications, and network infrastructure requirements.
   These requirements will be used to provide analysis to determine a
   set of enterprise solutions in a later document.

How about this?

   This document describes the scenarios for IPv6 deployment within
   enterprise networks.  It defines a small set of basic enterprise
   scenarios and includes pertinent questions to allow enterprise
   administrators to further refine their deployment scenarios.  Enterprise
   deployment requirements are discussed in terms of coexistence with
   IPv4 nodes, networks and applications, and in terms of basic network
   infrastructure requirements for IPv6 deployment.  The scenarios and
   requirements described in this document will be the basis for further
   analysis to determine what coexistence techniques and mechanisms
   are needed for enterprise IPv6 deployment.  The results of that analysis
   will be published in a separate document.
