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Re: FW: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-v6ops-ent-scenarios-03.txt

On Tue, Jun 29, 2004 at 01:44:16PM -0400, Margaret Wasserman wrote:
> How about this?
>    This document describes the scenarios for IPv6 deployment within
>    enterprise networks.  It defines a small set of basic enterprise
>    scenarios and includes pertinent questions to allow enterprise
>    administrators to further refine their deployment scenarios.  Enterprise
>    deployment requirements are discussed in terms of coexistence with
>    IPv4 nodes, networks and applications, and in terms of basic network
>    infrastructure requirements for IPv6 deployment.  The scenarios and
>    requirements described in this document will be the basis for further
>    analysis to determine what coexistence techniques and mechanisms
>    are needed for enterprise IPv6 deployment.  The results of that analysis
>    will be published in a separate document.

