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RE: draft agenda for v6ops at IETF60

I have already requested for a time slot for 5 min to introduce the
latest development & demonstration of Silkroad and discuss how to go
forward. I'm very surprised that I have not received any feedback to
tell me whether my application is accepted or not. But there is no
arrangement in the draft agenda. :(
Could you please tell me whether I have the chance to give my

Best Wishes,

Liu Min

Institute of Computing Technology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Tel: (86-10) 6256 5533-9240 
E-mail: liumin@ict.ac.cn

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-v6ops@ops.ietf.org [mailto:owner-v6ops@ops.ietf.org] On
> Of Pekka Savola
> Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2004 4:23 AM
> To: v6ops@ops.ietf.org
> Cc: jonne.soininen@nokia.com
> Subject: draft agenda for v6ops at IETF60
> Hi,
> See below the current draft agenda for v6ops sessions at IETF60.
> The sessions are currently scheduled for Monday night and Friday
> morning.  Let's hope that the latter one, at least, changes.
> Updates or changes are very likely still.
> Please send in your thoughts, further agenda requests, comments, etc.
> =========
> First session
> =============
> (Tentatively scheduled for Monday night)
> Introduction and agenda bashing - 5 mins, Chairs/Savola
>   - Scribes! (Jabber also?)
> Document status - 15 mins, Chairs/Savola
>  - What has happened with WG documents lately
>  - GOAL: show the status of WG documents
> Moving forward with Mechanisms - 45 mins, Chairs/ADs
>  - [placeholder as of yet, plans still forming]
>  - GOAL: discuss the procedure of how to move forward
> VLAN Usage for IPv6 transition - 5 mins, Chown?
>  - draft-chown-v6ops-vlan-usage-01.txt [expired, to be revised]
>  - GOAL: describe the procedure, discuss whether to go for
Informational RFC
> Enterprise solution case study: Campus Transition - 20 mins, Chown
>  - draft-chown-v6ops-campus-transition-00.txt
>  - examine a case study of applying the enterprise scenarios document,
>    discuss the issues.
>  - GOAL: give input to the Enterprise solutions work and the necessity
>    of transition tools.
> IPv6 Security Overview - 10 mins, Savola
>  - draft-savola-v6ops-security-overview-02.txt
>  - introduce the approach and justify the need; discuss changes.
>  - GOAL: take as a WG item, solicit an editor.
> Assisted Tunneling Requirements - 15 mins, Durand
>  - draft-ietf-v6ops-assisted-tunneling-requirements-00.txt
>  - go through open issues, discuss
>  - GOAL: resolve issues, revise and advance after IETF60
> Tunnel-endpoint Discovery, 10 mins, Palet?
>  - draft-palet-v6ops-tun-auto-disc-01.txt
>  - discuss different approaches to discover the v6-in-v4 endpoint
>    (to be used with assisted tunneling and maybe others)
>  - GOAL: get more feedback, adopt as WG item?
> Secure IPv6 Tunneling - 10 mins, Graveman
>  - draft-tschofenig-v6ops-secure-tunnels-00.txt
>  - discuss the method of using IPsec to create secure v6-in-v4 tunnels
>  - GOAL: get more input, adopt as WG item?
> Protocol-41 Forwarding in NAT boxes - 10 mins, Palet
>  - [to be: draft-palet-v6ops-proto41-nat-05.txt]
>  - GOAL: discuss changes and approach, adopt as WG item for
> Measurement of Misbehaving DNS Servers - 5 mins, Savola channeling
>  - (based on draft-ietf-dnsop-misbehavior-against-aaaa-01.txt)
>  - GOAL: show relative numbers of misbehaving servers vs IPv6 records
> Second session
> ==============
> (Tentatively scheduled for Friday morning, hopefully will change)
> [If good discussion is generated on the discussion items on the first
> session, add time to discuss those here]
> IPv6 replacement for NAT boxes etc. - 10 mins, van de Welde?
>  - [no draft]
>  - GOAL: present early work on an Informational draft on how to deploy
>    v6 in environments where NATs and/or private addressing were used.
> Moving forward, take two, 30 mins, Chairs/ADs
>  - [placeholder]
>  - GOAL: continue tuning the process as necessary
> IPv6 Mobility Scenarios/Requirements update, 10 mins, Williams
>  - [follow-up on draft-yamamoto-mipv6node-v4trav-00.txt]
>  - GOAL: follow up from where we left off with in the last meeting
> "Auto-transition": picking the right mechanism - 10 mins, Palet
>  - draft-palet-v6ops-auto-trans-00.txt
>  - GOAL: discuss the concepts, whether useful for the WG.
> Distributed v6 security requirements/problem statement - 10 mins,
>  - draft-palet-v6ops-ipv6security-00.txt
>  - draft-vives-v6ops-ipv6-security-ps-00.txt
>  - GOAL: get input from the WG
> [These might at least might drop off from the agenda if there are no
> significant updates or interest:]
> Transition mechanisms update, 5 mins, Chairs/Savola
>  - draft-ietf-v6ops-mech-v2-03.txt
>  - GOAL: discuss how to address the DNS lookup ordering issue
> IPv6-on-by-Default - 5 mins, ?
>  - draft-ietf-v6ops-v6onbydefault-01.txt
>  - GOAL: discuss what has been happening with this work
> IPv6 Renumbering Procedures - 5 mins, Baker?
>  - draft-ietf-v6ops-ipv6-renumber-procedure-01.txt
>  - GOAL: discuss major issues, if raised during the IESG evaluation
> Advanced L3 IPv6 Exchange Model - 10 mins, Palet
>  - draft-morelli-v6ops-ipv6-ix-00.txt
>  - GOAL: get input from the WG
> =============