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Re: [tcpm] TCP, DCCP, v6, and ICMP soft errors [draft-ietf-v6ops-v6onbydefault-01]

At 10:04 18/07/2004 -0700, Eddie Kohler wrote:

The best kernel APIs provide mechanism, not policy, since policy changes and different apps want different policies.

We're talking about a fault isolation policy in a transport protocol. An application should not be concerned with it.

In my opinion draft-gont-tcpm-tcp-soft-errors codifies for all apps a policy that, if implemented, may/will reduce user-visible network connectivity.

As stated both in the drafts and in my previous posts, the change in the policy is meant only for connections in the SYN-SENT and SYN-RECEIVED states.

OTOH, if it's a non-interactive application that's using the connection (say, a mailserver), the application itself will trigger a retry some time later. If it was an interactive application, then a delay was not acceptable, anyway.

Therefore it should not be accepted; a new draft should provide a "mechanism" for implementing the soft-error behavior you need,


discuss how to use that mechanism,

Again, we're trying to solve problems in *applications*.

and also potentially talk about a higher-level, library API that DTRT by default.

Will include some stuff about a Higher-Level API in the next revision of the draft.

Also, talking about "default behavior" and ease of app construction is a little disingenuous since there's no real installed base.

I have no data about what the "real installed base" is.
In any case, the "default behaviour" is crucial to how long it will take the fix to be used by programmers.

Only apps that implement address cycling need the new behavior; this is a small set. Apps that don't cycle addresses: now there's an installed base.

Address-cycling is well-known practice. RFC 1122, dated 1989, says applications SHOULD be prepared to do cycle on a list of IP addresses.

If anyone had practical data on Destination Unreachable errors -- in particular, how transient they tend to be for today's hosts -- this would be a great time to speak up.

I disagree. No one is saying ICMP Unreacheables are hard errors. We're just saying that there's a potential problem of long delay in connection attempts (not only in v6, but could also be the case in IPv4), and that this problem could be worked around by changing TCP's reaction to soft errors in the connection *establishment* phase.

If Dest. Unreachable is frequently transient, that strengthens my case. If it's very infrequently transient, that strengthens draft-gont-tcpm-tcp-soft-errors.

That would strength your case if someone were proposing to abort connnections in *any* state.

Best Regards,

-- Fernando Gont e-mail: fernando@gont.com.ar || fgont@acm.org