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Re: draft agenda for v6ops at IETF60

Hello Pekka,

I would like to request an agenda slot to discuss:


(The -01 updates the current -00 and will be submitted after
the I-D repository re-opens.)

The document discusses a general framework for IPv6/IPv4
coexistence and, as such, is not specific to any particular
mechanism. The abstract appears below:

Thanks - Fred


  The IPv6 128-bit address space was designed as a solution for the
  32-bit limitation of IPv4, but the proliferation of IPv4 in the
  global Internet continues via private addressing domains behind
  Network Address Translators (NATs). Furthermore, a formerly popular
  viewpoint that IPv6 networks would soon replace IPv4 networks seems
  to be yielding to an emerging viewpoint of long-term coexistence.
  This document proposes a coexistence scenario with IPv6 for end-to-
  end addressing and IPv4 for inter-networking.

Pekka Savola wrote:


See below the current draft agenda for v6ops sessions at IETF60.

The sessions are currently scheduled for Monday night and Friday
morning.  Let's hope that the latter one, at least, changes.

Updates or changes are very likely still.

Please send in your thoughts, further agenda requests, comments, etc.


First session
(Tentatively scheduled for Monday night)

Introduction and agenda bashing - 5 mins, Chairs/Savola
 - Scribes! (Jabber also?)

Document status - 15 mins, Chairs/Savola
- What has happened with WG documents lately
- GOAL: show the status of WG documents

Moving forward with Mechanisms - 45 mins, Chairs/ADs
- [placeholder as of yet, plans still forming]
- GOAL: discuss the procedure of how to move forward

VLAN Usage for IPv6 transition - 5 mins, Chown?
- draft-chown-v6ops-vlan-usage-01.txt [expired, to be revised]
- GOAL: describe the procedure, discuss whether to go for Informational RFC

Enterprise solution case study: Campus Transition - 20 mins, Chown
- draft-chown-v6ops-campus-transition-00.txt
- examine a case study of applying the enterprise scenarios document,
  discuss the issues.
- GOAL: give input to the Enterprise solutions work and the necessity
  of transition tools.

IPv6 Security Overview - 10 mins, Savola
- draft-savola-v6ops-security-overview-02.txt
- introduce the approach and justify the need; discuss changes.
- GOAL: take as a WG item, solicit an editor.

Assisted Tunneling Requirements - 15 mins, Durand
- draft-ietf-v6ops-assisted-tunneling-requirements-00.txt
- go through open issues, discuss
- GOAL: resolve issues, revise and advance after IETF60

Tunnel-endpoint Discovery, 10 mins, Palet?
- draft-palet-v6ops-tun-auto-disc-01.txt
- discuss different approaches to discover the v6-in-v4 endpoint
  (to be used with assisted tunneling and maybe others)
- GOAL: get more feedback, adopt as WG item?

Secure IPv6 Tunneling - 10 mins, Graveman
- draft-tschofenig-v6ops-secure-tunnels-00.txt
- discuss the method of using IPsec to create secure v6-in-v4 tunnels
- GOAL: get more input, adopt as WG item?

Protocol-41 Forwarding in NAT boxes - 10 mins, Palet
- [to be: draft-palet-v6ops-proto41-nat-05.txt]
- GOAL: discuss changes and approach, adopt as WG item for Informational

Measurement of Misbehaving DNS Servers - 5 mins, Savola channeling Malone
- (based on draft-ietf-dnsop-misbehavior-against-aaaa-01.txt)
- GOAL: show relative numbers of misbehaving servers vs IPv6 records

Second session ============== (Tentatively scheduled for Friday morning, hopefully will change)

[If good discussion is generated on the discussion items on the first
session, add time to discuss those here]

IPv6 replacement for NAT boxes etc. - 10 mins, van de Welde?
- [no draft]
- GOAL: present early work on an Informational draft on how to deploy
  v6 in environments where NATs and/or private addressing were used.

Moving forward, take two, 30 mins, Chairs/ADs
- [placeholder]
- GOAL: continue tuning the process as necessary

IPv6 Mobility Scenarios/Requirements update, 10 mins, Williams
- [follow-up on draft-yamamoto-mipv6node-v4trav-00.txt]
- GOAL: follow up from where we left off with in the last meeting

"Auto-transition": picking the right mechanism - 10 mins, Palet
- draft-palet-v6ops-auto-trans-00.txt
- GOAL: discuss the concepts, whether useful for the WG.

Distributed v6 security requirements/problem statement - 10 mins, Palet
- draft-palet-v6ops-ipv6security-00.txt
- draft-vives-v6ops-ipv6-security-ps-00.txt
- GOAL: get input from the WG

[These might at least might drop off from the agenda if there are no
significant updates or interest:]

Transition mechanisms update, 5 mins, Chairs/Savola
- draft-ietf-v6ops-mech-v2-03.txt
- GOAL: discuss how to address the DNS lookup ordering issue

IPv6-on-by-Default - 5 mins, ?
- draft-ietf-v6ops-v6onbydefault-01.txt
- GOAL: discuss what has been happening with this work

IPv6 Renumbering Procedures - 5 mins, Baker?
- draft-ietf-v6ops-ipv6-renumber-procedure-01.txt
- GOAL: discuss major issues, if raised during the IESG evaluation

Advanced L3 IPv6 Exchange Model - 10 mins, Palet
- draft-morelli-v6ops-ipv6-ix-00.txt
- GOAL: get input from the WG