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Re: draft agenda for v6ops at IETF60

On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 11:08:27PM -0400, Margaret Wasserman wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> What is "unusual" about the fact that v6ops is scheduled for Friday 
> morning?  The dates for this meeting have always included Friday. 
> Preference is given to scheduling one slot for every WG.  So, it 
> seems sensible that v6ops' second slot would be on Friday.
> Have the v6ops chairs given any thought to scaling this WG down to 
> one slot per meeting?  There aren't that many open drafts...

Sorry Margaret, I didn't write that message very well.

By unusual, I just mean that I don't recall an IPv6 or v6ops session
having been on a Friday morning in recent memory,  i.e. "usually" v6ops 
is on Mon-Thu, and Fridays are normally "lesser" BOF type meetings.

I got curious, so here's the track record of the last two years of IETF
Friday sessions (taken from the IETF web site, so don't shoot me for any

IETF 59:
No Friday session

IETF 58:
0900-1130 Morning Sessions
Salon A APP xmpp Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol WG 
Salon B OPS capwap Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points BOF 
Duluth OPS radext RADIUS EXTensions BOF 
Salon D TSV mmusic Multiparty Multimedia Session Control WG * 
Rochester TSV nfsv4 Network File System Version 4 WG 

IETF 57:
0900-1130 Morning Sessions
Hall NO INT dna Detecting Network Attachment BOF 
Hall GH OPS capwap Control And Provisioning of Wireless Acc. Points BOF 
Hall IK TSV tsvwg Transport Area Working Group * 

IETF 56:
0900-1130 Morning Sessions
Continental 1-4 GEN problem Problem Statement BOF * 
Imperial B OPS psamp Packet Sampling WG 
Imperial A TSV intersec Transport Service at Intermediary BOF 
Continental 8 TSV sigtran Signaling Transport WG 

IETF 55:
No Friday session

IETF 54:
0900-1130 Morning Sessions
Room 301/302 GEN ipr Intellectual Property Rights BOF * 

It's not a track record of heavyweight sessions, with all due respect to 
the above WGs :)   

Indeed, there have been just six "real" WG sessions in six meetings that are
not BOFs, i.e. one per year.   SO I'd argue Friday WG sessions are "unusual"
in that regard.

So I made the wrong assumption about Fridays, and I've learnt my lesson 
the hard way now, and am just disappointed I can now only make one v6ops 

Other IPv6 people I know have made the same mistake, and have learnt
with me.    Maybe there's a wider similar perception of Friday am that
can be addressed somehow?

In my case the choice of flight back was also a factor, not helped by BA
having withdrawn the direct UK flight - my flight ended up being 500 GBP
more than last time I went to SD, and I had to take an earlier flight
to avoid it being over 1000 GBP.   I guess US attendees don't have that
particular problem...

Thanks for listening if you read this far :)
