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Re: 12 Problems with "draft-ietf-v6ops-mech-v2-04.txt" : was RE: Reminder: clarification....

Erik Nordmark wrote:

[...] However, I don't think we need to repeat that the tunnel source address can not
be an address not assigned to the node all over the document.

I agree.

Note though that Problem and Suggestions 1, 2, and some others, deal with the fact that with all the text that was removed from the RFC 2893, makes the text regarding configuring an address in Section 3.5 look like it comes from nowhere, without any supporting text anywhere else in the document. Earlier sections are supposed to create the support for Section 3.5., and so they are now incomplete, and the text in 3.5 looks like an orphan.

Problem 7:
Section 3.6 Decapsulation

Black hole effect, in case one misconfigures the tunnel entrypoint, the tunnel exitpoint, or routing system instability causes source address oscillation.

Node which was misconfigured has no way of finding out it did that.
Misconfiguration can happen at any end of the tunnel.

Change third paragraph to:

    Packets for which the IPv4 source address does not match MUST be
    discarded and an ICMP message MUST be generated, with the error code
    ICMPv4 Protocol 41 Unreachable.

I haven't read the followup emails on the list yet, but if this is
essentially a form of source address filtering, the fact is that for
ingress filtering there is no error message. So a MUST is definitely
too strong - there are good reasons for not sending any error. A MAY might
be appropriate [I have to read the rest of the messages on the list.]

Sending protocol 41 unreachable seems like a likely source of confusion
though so we shouldn't overload that.

If configuring the decapsulator is a form of "ingress filtering" that is optional, and separate from then tunnel configuration, I have no problem at all, and my suggestion does not apply.

However, if configuring the decapsulator is part of configuring the tunnel, as one of mechanisms of the tunnel, then the situation changes.

It is not different from configuring a PVC on ATM or configuring a PPP link.

If there is some problem configuring such a PVC, or PPP, there is some sort of notification telling you that.

A tunnel misconfiguration notification of some form, that propagates to the operator is I think necessary and helpful.


Regards, Alex

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