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Comments on zeroconf draft

Hi Juha,
  Here are my first set of comments:
section 6.3
 "The tunnel protocol should allow the usage of native IPv6

 connectivity whenever such is available."


=> Isnt this paragraph is redundant? the 3rd paragraph in this section says it all.


section 6.5

" The discovery mechanism should rely on intrinsic services, read

   services already universally deployed, to the particular network



=> should be "...in a particular environment."


  "It should not require the addition of additional IP network ..."


=>  can be mentioned as "..addition of new IP network infrastructure..."


section 6.6


   The tunnel protocol must allow for the assignment of at least one

   globally routable (/128) IPv6 unicast address to use for tunneled

   IPv6 connectivity over the link provided by the Zero-Configuration

   Tunneling mechanism.


=> not very clear about the meaning of this paragraph. i guess it means that tunnel protocol gets a global IPv6 address before establishing a tunnel link for IPv6 connectivity. am i right?


section 6.8

=> does NUD (in section 3.8 in RFC 2893) helps? or does it help NOT having it for sake of saving Radio power?


Apart from this as i had already mentioned in my previous mails about a thought of expanding the applicability of this document beyond 3GPP. Maybe this is for the WG chair to decide.


