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RE: Comments on zeroconf draft

Hi Radhakrishnan,
Thanks a lot for your comments.
Please find my comments inline.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-v6ops@ops.ietf.org [mailto:owner-v6ops@ops.ietf.org]On Behalf Of Radhakrishnan Suryanarayanan
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 11:20 AM
To: juha.wiljakka@nokia.com
Cc: V6OPS WG; Pekka Savola
Subject: Comments on zeroconf draft

Hi Juha,
  Here are my first set of comments:
section 6.3
 "The tunnel protocol should allow the usage of native IPv6

 connectivity whenever such is available."


=> Isnt this paragraph is redundant? the 3rd paragraph in this section says it all.
[Karen E. Nielsen (AH/TED)]  I believe that you're right. The first paragraph is a reminiscent from version 00.


section 6.5

" The discovery mechanism should rely on intrinsic services, read

   services already universally deployed, to the particular network



=> should be "...in a particular environment."


  "It should not require the addition of additional IP network ..."


=>  can be mentioned as "..addition of new IP network infrastructure..."
[Karen E. Nielsen (AH/TED)] , yes thanks. 


section 6.6


   The tunnel protocol must allow for the assignment of at least one

   globally routable (/128) IPv6 unicast address to use for tunneled

   IPv6 connectivity over the link provided by the Zero-Configuration

   Tunneling mechanism.


=> not very clear about the meaning of this paragraph. i guess it means that tunnel protocol gets a global IPv6 address before establishing a tunnel link for IPv6 connectivity. am i right?
[Karen E. Nielsen (AH/TED)] - The intended meaning of the paragraph is to say:

"The tunnel protocol must allow for the assignment of at least one

   globally routable (/128) IPv6 unicast address  to the end-hosts, which the

end-hosts can use for IPv6 communication through the zero-configuration tunnels."


Is that clearer ?


section 6.8

=> does NUD (in section 3.8 in RFC 2893) helps? or does it help NOT having it for sake of saving Radio power?
[Karen E. Nielsen (AH/TED)]  NUD should be OK Radio power wise. The reason NUD is not explicitly referred to in Section 6.8, but unicast NS/NA exchanges are, is that by NUD one tends to understand the full mechanism described in Section 7.3 of RFC 2461, and this requires link-local multicast support - which we do not explicitly assume/require. Further there may be issues with NUD if it is required to be performed by the tunnel servers, as NUD on routers is susceptible to DoS attacks.


Apart from this as i had already mentioned in my previous mails about a thought of expanding the applicability of this document beyond 3GPP. Maybe this is for the WG chair to decide.
[Karen E. Nielsen (AH/TED)] Thanks for your comments in that respect also. 

Narrowing the document to 3GPP as starting point has served its own purposes:

* 3GPP has severe timing requirements, wherefore this case has the highest priority.

* It has been claimed that the assisted tunnelling requirements wasn't adequate for 3GPP, wherefore it has been important to

see exactly how these requirements differs from the requirements of assisted-tunnelling -


Now given that we have the requirements, this document could be used to decide:


* Initial: whether the 3GPP case is sufficiently different from assisted tunnelling for it to have its on life requirements wise

(and solution wise) - (if not the timing requirements alone makes it necessary for it to have its own life).


* Subsequently: if zeroconf tunneling as a concept is granted its own life, are there additional scenarios where this may be applicable.

Further are the additional requirements that should be served by zeroconf tunnelling so that it will be applicable to additional scenarios, which do not fit within the framework of assisted tunnelling.



Thanks. Karen


