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Re: Comments on zeroconf draft

Hi Karen,
   Please find my points inline:-

section 6.6
>   The tunnel protocol must allow for the assignment of at least one
>   globally routable (/128) IPv6 unicast address to use for tunneled
>   IPv6 connectivity over the link provided by the Zero-Configuration
>   Tunneling mechanism.
>=> not very clear about the meaning of this paragraph. i guess it means that tunnel protocol gets a >global IPv6 address before establishing a tunnel link for IPv6 connectivity. am i right?
>[Karen E. Nielsen (AH/TED)] - The intended meaning of the paragraph is to say:
>"The tunnel protocol must allow for the assignment of at least one
>  globally routable (/128) IPv6 unicast address  to the end-hosts, which the
>end-hosts can use for IPv6 communication through the zero-configuration tunnels."

>Is that clearer ?
=> Fairly yes. The meaning is end-host is going to get a IPv6 global address through the established tunnel.

>section 6.8
>=> does NUD (in section 3.8 in RFC 2893) helps? or does it help NOT having it for sake of saving Radio power?
>[Karen E. Nielsen (AH/TED)]  NUD should be OK Radio power wise. The reason NUD is not explicitly >referred to in Section 6.8, but unicast NS/NA exchanges are, is that by NUD one tends to understand the >full mechanism described in Section 7.3 of RFC 2461, and this requires link-local multicast support - >which we do not explicitly assume/require. Further there may be issues with NUD if it is required to be >performed by the tunnel servers, as NUD on routers is susceptible to DoS attacks.
=>Thats why i stated section 3.8 in RFC 2893. Cant we make it that explicit?
I am trying to see if we can make zeroconf fall in-line with whats stated in RFC 2893 which is about "Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 hosts and Routers".
