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RE: Unreachability detection at tunnels servers WAS: RE: Comments onzeroconf draft

Hi Radhakrishnan,

> Hi Karen,
> > My new question is then  - is the proto-41 translation 
> scheme the general
> mech
> > adopted for (and accepted for) this purpose by the WG ?
> IMHO, the transition mechanisms should provide handling 
> ICMPv4 errors and
> their translation.
> "Basic Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers"
> <draft-ietf-v6ops-mech-v2-06.txt> section 3.4 is doing it. 
> Isnt this a good
> indicator?

Yes, mech-v2 is saying that IPv4 ICMPs should be translated, but it also
says, Section 3.8, that IPv6 NUD SHOULD be performed.

BR, Karen