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RE: Unreachability detection at tunnels servers WAS: RE: Comments on zeroconf draft

I've tried to figure out how to close this thread but I haven't had 
much success yet.. :/

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004, Karen E. Nielsen (AH/TED) wrote:
> > As for my personal take -- hopefully I've understood the arguments 
> > properly..
> > 
> > If you receive IPv4 ICMP error messages relating to an IPv6-in-IPv4
> > tunnel, one should probably do something if it's possible, because
> > that will be an indication that IPv6 link layer has failed (and that
> > particular error can be propagated the same way as any other IPv6 link
> > failure, or by direct ICMP message conversion).
> > 
> > What and whether the implementations must treat IPv4 ICMP error 
> > messages somehow depends on the mechanism in question.  
> > draft-ietf-v6ops-mech-v2-06.txt does not mandate it for static MTU
> > discovery, but it's obviously required for dynamic MTU discovery.  
> > 6to4 spec (section 7) doesn't require it either, but seems to imply 
> > that it can be done.
> > 
> > So, as to the issue whether tunnel servers need to be able to send
> > back ICMPv6 error messages if the implementation thinks that the link
> > has failed, I'd say "yes, it probably should" because shouldn't all
> > IPv6 nodes be supposed to be able to do something like that. The
> > issue then is what constitutes good indication for "link failure"  
> > (e.g., in this case, IPv4 tunneling failing).  Specifying what that
> > must or should include is probably mechanism-dependent.
> The tunnel servers are in many respects replacing IPv6 access routers, 
> for which we have explicit requirements in this respect, i.e.,
>  SHOULD perform IPv6 NUD. 
> If I understand you correctly you seem to be saying that not only
> is it up for the individual tunnel mechanism to decide how to perform
> determination of link-failure (with that, I agree completely) 


> - but also (?) that it is up to the individual mechanism to determine
> what constitutes indication of link failure, and thus consequently,
> which kind of link failures that it will seek to monitor and report - !!

Yes, this is what I meant.

This stems from the practical point of view that it's a bit difficult 
for us (well, we could create a draft or RFC) to create a "policy" on 
that, to be followed by transition mechanisms to come.  The typical, 
pragmatic approach is to look each proposition and try to figure out 
whether it is justified or not.

> I may not disagree with the latter, but if this is the route that we
> want to take, I would like it us to do it with our "eyes wide open"
> so to speak - saying clearly that in the areas of IPv6 black hole
> detection, tunnel servers may not provide a service comparatively
> with the native IPv6 one.

Black hole detection is indeed a problem, but luckily enough, the
problem is already commonplace, both in v4 (e.g., firewalling without
ICMP transmissions on rejects) and (to a degree) in v6.  Therefore, if
you want to build a very robust application, you'll have to deal with
black holes in any case.  However, the vast majority of apps won't
consider this a sufficiently wide problem.

That being said, I think it would be very useful to try to keep the
original NUD & ICMP characteristics of IPv6 in the tunneling
mechanisms that are specified, if not for other reason than providing
a good and quick indication of network blockage to the apps.  But that
seems to be a tradeoff which needs to be weighted per transition
mechanism.  I'd certainly like to default to specifying similar NUD
processes, unless otherwise justified, though.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings