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Re: REVIEW NEEDED: draft-ietf-v6ops-ent-analysis-00.txt (fwd)


On Thu, 2004-10-07 at 17:17, ext Tim Chown wrote:

> Hi Jonne,
> I'm sure Jim can answer, but my $.2c
> The idea was that we'd pump out a first draft quickly so people could
> comment on its direction.  It wasn't meant to include all solutions.
> So for example I wrote sections 4 and 7, others added other sections,
> but without adding an analysis/recommendation on top.

I understand and agree with the approach, of course.

> Once we have agreement on direction (which should have happened on list
> some time ago now, but noone commented) we could add the text for the
> actual recommendations (section 8).
> If you feel we should just press on in the absence of feedback, then let
> the authors know.   Time to get a revised version in by 18th is running
> out.

As nobody commented the document, I decided to comment first myself, and
then start to complain that other people do not comment. If nobody
comments, I guess you have to work forward and hope that people agree. 


> Tim
Jonne Soininen

Tel: +358 40 527 46 34
E-mail: jonne.soininen@nokia.com