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Comments: draft-nielsen-v6ops-3GPP-zeroconf-goals-00.txt

The spec once it speaks about tunneling is all over the place saying it
can support private addresses, NATs etc.


I think some of this is just impossible for mobility.  A real case in
S.E. Asia right now looking at 3G IPv6 deployment has the following
problem.  Mobile (seamless) nodes will use native IPv6 and IPv4 to get
to legacy apps that have not been ported to IPv6.  In this case the
problem is that public IPv4 addresses are needed.  But we know all that
and we must address that case.  The other case is that to get to the IMS
networks first you havce to tunnel the packet through IPv4 network to
IMS IPv6 network.  This is not going to work with NAT when the user is
roaming.  So I don't see why the spec does not say this.

Hence, my first input to this spec (and I do believe it should be WG
item) is that we will need to discuss deployment profiles for mobility
and more of enterprise nature than 3GPP nature.  
