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Re: A personal take on WG's priorities..

On Thu, 4 Nov 2004, Alain Durand wrote:
Essentially, there is work needed in 4 areas:

1. Tunneling
- finish the work on assisted tunneling, zeroconf tunneling, 3GPP tunneling requirements
- finish the analysis of existing protocol candidates
- design new one(s) if needed
- finish the work on tunnel end-point discovery

2. Protocol maintenance
- deprecate useless mechanism
- clarify/refine some mechanism (e.g. 6to4)
- move some mechanisms along standard track

3. Operational issues
- renumbering doc
- IPv6 on by default
- operational security docs
- result from operational experience

4.  Finish the work on scenario.

A natural evolution of NGtrans/v6ops would be to shut down v6Ops
by declaring victory on (4), and create two new working group,
a short to medium term one, focusing on (1) & (2), and a long term one focusing on 3.

1 and 2 are certainly separable pieces of this puzzle. However, it is important to put in place good policies on which kind of new tunneling work would be accepted (would it e.g., require a rechartering) so that the "v6mechs" WG would not become a "swamp".

3 and 4 are something that could be doable by "trimmed-down" v6ops; I'd see no particular use in shutting down a WG and springing up a new one in its place. (4) needs to be finished, and there might be useful work coming down at that pipe down the road (like the BB ISP document). I don't think the WG would need to initiate actively new work on 4, but if there were solid proposals on better documentation of existing scenarios, I don't see why that could not be documented.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings